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FL TSA Annual State Conference Registration
Information |
Welcome to Florida TSA's Annual State Conference and Competition Online Registration Center!State Conference Registration is now OPEN. General registration closes on Jan 19th and late registration starts on Jan 20th.PLEASE NOTE: Registration fees cannot be canceled and are nonrefundable; please plan accordingly. All guests must be registered and wear an official badge in order to access any portion of the conference including the awards general session. No guest badges will be sold onsite. Late Registration closes on January 24, 2025, at 11:59 PM.If you have forgotten your log-on information, please contact FL TSA State Conference Manager Aubrey Vaczi, at: ahfltsacm@gmail.com If you are having other difficulties, please contact Florida TSA prior to the close of registration. Please NOTE: Conference planning and expenses are based on the numbers registered; therefore, registration fees are due and payable prior to the beginning of the conference, as per the conference package (available online at http://floridatsa.com/stateconference/). Registration fees are due and payable once registration closes. There can be no refunds or cancelations after registration closes. Level 1 - Middle School Level 2 - High School Level 3 - Middle School w/ Disabilities Level 4 - High School w/ Disabilities Florida TSA Student Opportunites - Advisors are responsible for registering their students for the following opportunities in the conference registration system so students will have access to upload applications between Jan 25-26: Scholarships, FL TSA Honor Society, Middle School Student Award, National Officer Candidate, State Officer Candidate: https://judgepro.registermychapter.com/org/jpfl-stateconference/conf/jpfl-state/student# (No Late applications will be accepted) Silver Achievement Award artifacts are uploaded through the National TSA Student Portal and approved by the chapter advisor: https://tsamembership.registermychapter.com/members# Please contact FL TSA prior to the close of registration if you have questions or do not understand the stated policies of FL TSA. Most importantly, bring your students with a positive attitude and competitive spirit to have a wonderful experience! Sincerely, Justin Lauer, Executive Director, FL TSA |
If you have questions about registration, please email
FL TSA State Conference Manager Aubrey Vaczi, at:ahfltsacm@gmail.com