Welcome to MN FCCLA State Conference Registration We look forward to your chapter's participation in this outstanding youth event. After the February 24th deadline, orders for shirts, meals, and other items will be placed. Meeting room schedules will be finalized based on registration numbers. Updates regarding schedules, entertainment, workshops and more will be posted on the MN FCCLA website as they are made available and sent out to chapter advisers in periodic emails as we approach the event. With your help, all of our conference goers will get the most out of this ultimate leadership experience. Please enter your username and password Please note that you must have cookies enabled (especially session cookies) in your browser, in order to log in to the system. A cookie allows a website to store certain information on your local computer. Check with your technology person prior to registering if you think this could be an issue. Can't remember your password? Click here to retrieve your password. |
If you have questions about registration, e-mail patrick.mitchell@mnfccla.org.